The brain behind the technology
Configuration Tools and Access
Configurable Smooth Drive
i‑Drive Accessories and More
i‑Drive Unique Technology
The i‑Drive is the most advanced wheelchair drive control to date! Designed around a proprietary Central Processing Unit (CPU), located inside the i‑Drive Smart Box™ and the i‑Drive Config App, this combination of hardware and software brings state-of-the-art technology to the alternative drive control industry!
Trident Tough!
Trident Research brings a degree of sophistication to our industry that is far advanced from the norm, introducing our industry to the same state-of-the-art technologies used in smart phones and tablet devices we have become accustomed to.
Stealth's work with Trident is ongoing - It is a partnership committed to new solutions and products!
i‑Drive Config™ App
Meet the i‑Drive Config app. This downloadable application is available to easily accomplish performance adjustments in a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Once downloaded and installed in your Desktop, Laptop, Tablet* or Phones, the software automatically updates the latest build or version. The i‑Drive Config Requires Windows 10+ with the .NET 4.6+ Framework. The i‑Drive Config app is not required for the operation of the i‑Drive.
The i‑Drive Config now includes USB or Bluetooth wireless connection, and the setup file will prompt which one is preferred during installation.
Bluetooth Wireless Technology
Make on-demand configurations with your iOS or Windows Device, using the reliable and tested Bluetooth Wireless Technology, allowing you to securely connect and configure. This service is available to authorized technicians registered in our Dealer Access Directory System (D.A.D.S). Call for more information.
Only works with Windows 10+. For download and list of requirements go to official download page.

Alternative Advanced Drive Controls
i‑Drive Advanced Alternative Drive Controls range in a large variety of after market configurations, but have the advantage of allowing the full customization of all these configurations. See Stealth's full array of positioning solutions in our main site.

i‑Drive Head Arrays
The New Standard
The i‑Drive Head Arrays are designed for comfort, functionality and smooth driving experience. All of our head arrays are compantible with most after market electronics, and can be optimized with up to 6 hybrid ports, meaning that all of them can be used with mechanical switches or sensors.
i‑Drive Pro Series
The Pro Series i‑Drive Head Control System is our most adjustable head array. It comes standard with two Swing Aways, three proximity sensor pads, and an egg switch for mode change/reset. Stealth's i‑Drive is styled to be sleek and unobtrusive, designed so you can see the client, not the hardware.
The Pro Series can be optimized and configured to a Stealth Ultra Head Positioning System - the Ultra‑Pro Series - by adding positioning support and expandable configurations, making it an Unbeatable Positioning and Driving Solution.
i‑Drive Tri‑Array
Inspired by our Combo Series head positioning system, the Tri‑Array provides great comfort with great support for a head array, and comes standard with three proximity sensors and an egg switch for mode change /reset. The Tri‑Array is an extraordinary choice for drive control and head support.
The Tri‑Array is designed with less in mind. With its sleek design and few exposed wires, the Tri‑Array is non obtrusive and simple to use. It can be upgraded with our Swing‑Away System, for additional support or switch/sensor location.

i‑Drive Tray Arrays
The Tray Arrays are more than just a support, adding the i‑Drive Bluetooth® Interface, it becomes a powerful driving tool. Our standard tray is a half-moon shaped, called the Eclipse Tray. We also carry custom small trays that offer additional support for those who can drive with their hand or fingers, but lack of mechanical resistance.
Whether driving with proximity sensors or a joystick, the Tray Array is a perfect fit for support, positioning and smooth drive control.
i‑Drive Tray Array
The standard after market tray array version is an ABS half moon shaped hollow, sturdy, and well designed tray which allows you to modify or optimize its pre‑built configuration on‑demand while it offers support and resting aid to the driver with little structural resistance.
With a multitude of mounting options, the Eclipse Tray has proven to be one of the most solicited trays in the market and with the i‑Drive computing power, offers a wide range of smooth driving options that excel over the other alternative in the market.

i‑Drive PMPJ
The Presicion Mini Proportional Joytick (PMPJ) is one of the most precise, robust, multiple axis, proportional controllers available for use on a power wheelchair.
Through the use of i‑Drive technology and software, the joysticks reaction to movement can be fine-tuned so the slightest change offers precision control translated to a voltage signal output.

i‑Drive Mounting & Accessory Options
The i‑Drive Bluetooth® Interface can be mounted almost anywhere. The challenge is creating the perfect profile structure to match the driver's needs which optimize at best his/her driving experience. Whether driving with hands, lips, tongue, or by sipping and puffing, the i‑Drive can be accessorized to meet those needs.
No matter the need, Stealth can create any standard as customized solution in one stop.
i‑Drive Chin Control Harness
Meet the i‑Drive Config programming application. This downloadable application is available to easily accomplish performance adjustments in a Graphical User Interface (GUI). Once downloaded and installed in your Desktop, Laptop, Tablet* or Phones, the software automatically updates the latest build or version. The i‑Drive Config Requires Windows 10+. The i‑Drive Config is not required for the operation of the i‑Drive.
The i‑Drive Config includes USB or Bluetooth wireless connection, simply connect via your preferred method using i‑Drive Config for Windows.
Proximity Sensors, as the name suggests, are sensors that are activated when detected a non caustic body or object proximate to an specific distance (Proxi) or by interrupting a signal, either by sound or light (Fiber Optics or Photo Electric).
Sensors require power, which is provided by the i-Drive Bluetooth Interface. Proximity Sensors are capacitive (Proxi) or optics sensors (Fiber) (Fiber Optics / Photo Electric). In the Complex Rehab capcitive sensors and fiber optics are named by the type of sensor they are. Even though they are both considered proximity sensors, capacitive sensors are known as Proximity Sensors, and Fiber Optics as it is. They do not require physical contact to be activated and do not have an audible feedback unless programmed on the device.
Switches, or Mechanical Switches, are buttons triggered by touch. They send signals (on/off) which are used to activate a specific function.
Mechanical Switches require physical contact for activation and most of them have audible feedback.

i‑Drive Custom Configurations
Think of the i‑Drive as a computer motherboard and the driving components as the hardware and peripherals. As with a computer, you can customize it with the hardware you specifically need to complete your most necessary tasks. The i‑Drive is small enough to be attached to any surface discretely, then switches, sensors, mouting hardware, and positioning systems will structure the system for the driver.
Each system designed by Stealth Products, LLC is compatible with one another, but we also provide hardware to mount any after market products from any favorite brand.
Customizing a Head Array
All Stealth Head Solutions are compatible with the new i‑Drive design. Any solution can be modified and upgraded as an Alternative Control System for driving, activating an automatic tilt or any other task needed to be executed.
The after market solutions currently offered - the Ultra Pro or the Tri Array - can be also modified to meet specific needs. For example, the Utra illustration in this section has been enhanced with the i2i Head Positioning Solution. By combining the Stealth Ultra System with the i2i, an additional level of posture and support can promote advanced positioning solutions for individuals with poor neck motor skills, allowing them to be able to drive without any limitation.
This is just the start. The i‑Drive allows for a fully customized configuration. Your imagination and expertise is the limit. Just imagine, Head Arrays combined with a Tray Array, or a Swing Away System with added Switches, Sensors or Joysticks. Your imagination is truly the only limit.
Create-Your-Own Tray Array
Trays have come a long way since introduced into the complex rehab industry. More than just a posture support, they have become a popular device for alternative control for driving or other mechanical functions. With custom cuts, sensor/switch positioning and geometry, the tray has proven to be efficiently versatile for any task.
As expected, the i‑Drive expanded this versatility to new levels of functionality, and Stealth's years of experience on the custom positioning market give the tray the ability not only to be enhanced for positioning purposes, but to integrate with other systems as well.
Think about it for a minute - If a person has no mechanical skills but has the capability of using their fingers, lips and tongue, that's all you need to set‑up a fully configurable system combining Fiber Optic sensors, a Joystick mounted onto the IDCH equipped with a Sip & Puff System at the driver's reach.
i‑Drive Sip & Puff Solution
Sip & Puff is a very well known system that allows people with minimal or no mechnical functions the ability to operate devices by sipping and puffing, which gives them the independence to complete daily tasks without any assistance. Because of the standard configuration in the i‑Drive, driving with the Sip & Puff system is smoother than other options available on the market.
The i‑Drive process signals at 97Mhz per second allowing a smoother transition between on/off instructions, improving confidence for the driver and allows for a faster learning curve.

Expanding Solutions with i‑Connect™
Extend possibilities by adding functionalities that do more than just drive with the touch of a switch. Activate a tilt, raise or lower a bed, and numerous other mechanical functions with the i‑Connect.
The i‑Connect provides power to sensors independent of devices by adding ports to a power or manual chair. The i‑Connect is the smartest solution for endless possibilities.
Power your proximity sensors and fiber optics by allowing them to function as buttons with little or no effort to activate. The i-Connect offers a Sip & Puff version that is compatible with the i-Drive Bluetooth Interface or previous configurations as well.

i‑Drive Config Download
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